GiveSpec: special2

GiveSpec: special2

&assign = ass1 &comment This is a template file for the give.spec file in an assignment directory. It's used to set all parameters describing the test setup Keywords found here: &assign (set by installation script) &deadline (group TAB day/time format) &latepen (as for .latepen) &earlybonus (as for .latepen, but opposite time) &extension (as for .extension: studentID days ) &subkey and &subgroups (if different from default) &subspecs plus testing module starting with &runspecs &end &# default submission: accept HUGS, C (header files optional) or Java/HTML &subspecs accept total_peaks.py max_peak.py peak_list.py peak_list_from_file.py &end &# allow current submission and three backup copies only &backups = 3 &# limit each submission to 250 Kbytes &maxsize = 250 &smsmark = ass1 &deadline all Wed 28 Oct 17:00:00 2020 , Mon 02 Nov 09:00:00 2020 &end &latepen ceiling % 0 per hour for 1 hour 10 per day for 5 days &end &# 1 day extension for 5123456 &extensions 5123456 1 &end &runspecs &testmode notests &compile rm -fr *.py *.txt *.out __pycache__ marking_system classify -v $1 tar xf $A/marking_system.tar for f in total_peaks max_peak peak_list peak_list_from_file do if [ -f ${f}.py ] then dos2unix -q -- ${f}.py list ${f}.py mv ${f}.py marking_system/${f}/${f}_student.py fi done &end &special 2 total_peaks cwd=`pwd` cd marking_system ./run_tests.py total_peaks 13 > out.txt ./extract_marks.py out.txt > mark.out if test -r out.txt then cat out.txt MARK=`cat mark.out` else echo echo "Auto-marking output not found!" echo MARK=0 fi cd $cwd &end &special 1 max_peak cwd=`pwd` cd marking_system ./run_tests.py max_peak 10 > out.txt ./extract_marks.py out.txt > mark.out if test -r out.txt then cat out.txt MARK=`cat mark.out` else echo echo "Auto-marking output not found!" echo MARK=0 fi cd $cwd &end &special 10 peak_list cwd=`pwd` cd marking_system ./run_tests.py peak_list 15 > out.txt ./extract_marks.py out.txt > mark.out if test -r out.txt then cat out.txt MARK=`cat mark.out` else echo echo "Auto-marking output not found!" echo MARK=0 fi cd $cwd &end &special 2 peak_list_from_file cwd=`pwd` cd marking_system ./run_tests.py peak_list_from_file 5 > out.txt ./extract_marks.py out.txt > mark.out if test -r out.txt then cat out.txt MARK=`cat mark.out` else echo echo "Auto-marking output not found!" echo MARK=0 fi cd $cwd &end &subjective 5 Style and Complexity 5 &end &totalmark 20 give.spec/Examples/special2 (last edited 2021-05-24 12:24:05 by MeichengWhale) Immutable PageInfoAttachments More Actions: MoinMoin PoweredPython PoweredGPL licensedValid HTML 4.01 MoinMoin Release 1.9.9 [Revision release], Copyright by Juergen Hermann et al.