GiveSpec: notest
GiveSpec: notest
&assign = ass2
This is a template file for the give.spec file
in an assignment directory.
It's used to set all parameters describing the test setup
Keywords found here:
&assign (set by installation script)
&deadline (group TAB day/time format)
&latepen (as for .latepen)
&earlybonus (as for .latepen, but opposite time)
&extension (as for .extension: studentID days )
&subkey and &subgroups (if different from default)
plus testing module starting with &runspecs
&# default submission: accept HUGS, C (header files optional) or Java/HTML
accept flange.c *.flan/0+
&# limit each submission to 250 Kbytes
&maxsize = 250
&smsmark = ass2
all Mon 15 October 23:59:59
ceiling %
10 per day for 3 days
70 per day for 1 day
&testmode notests
rm -f *.h *.c \!dryrun_record *.flan
classify -v $1
cp -p $S/\!dryrun_record .
dos2unix -p flange.c
diff -y -W 160 -w --suppress-common-lines flange.c $A/flange.c
for f in `ls *.flan`
if [ -f "$f" ]
dos2unix -p $f
list $f
#list \!dryrun_record | stufilter +300 -20
studentid=`basename $S`
login=`priv upi $studentid`
$A/runtests.sh $login $S/submission.tar
&subjective 10
style 1
task2a: vector operations 3
task2b: constructors 3
task2c: rectangle 3
task1b (bonus) 1
task1c (bonus) 1
&totalmark 10