


Manage Assignments
classrun [give|check|collect]

View Marks ?session=YYT{0,1,2,3}
classrun [<term>] sturec

  • Usage:

    • For COMP courses,

      % 9999 classrun ...

    • For other subject area courses,

      % ssss9999 classrun ...

      where ssss is subject area and 9999 is course number e.g. engg1811, binf1001, seng1031

    • options:

From the student's account


From the student's account


classrun -give <assignment> <files>...

commonly seen in this form:
give <account> <assignment> <files>...

submit assignments

classrun -check <assignment>

check submissions

classrun -collect <assignment>

collect marked assignment

classrun -fetch <assignment>

Put most recent submitted files in student’s home directory under directories named as below:


classrun [<term>] -sturec

view marks

From the tutor's or class account


classrun -mark

mark assignments

classrun -rsms

enter marks

classrun -u <studentid>

be a student, followed by one of the student options above


  • Examples:

From the student's account

% 1911 classrun -give simple simple.c diary.txt

same as this command: give cs1911 simple simple.c diary.txt

% 1911 classrun -check simple

% engg1811 classrun -collect assign1

% 1511 classrun 24T1 -sturec

From the tutor's account

% seng2011 classrun -rsms

% 1511 classrun -mark

From the class account

% classrun -u 1234567 -give simple simple.c diary.txt

% classrun -u 1234567 -sturec

% classrun -mark

The course code preceding the command is optional when running classrun from the class account

  • To avoid invoking the GUI with the sturec option, unset the DISPLAY

    • e.g. from the class account

      DISPLAY=; classrun -u 1234567 -sturec

      e.g. from the student account, (if DISPLAY is set)

      DISPLAY=; 1911 classrun -sturec
  • To give tutors access to -mark and -rsms, add their account names to $WORK/give.spec under the &authorisation directive. e.g.

    • &authorisation z7654321 MARK RSMS z1234567 MARK RSMS cs9999 MARK RSMS &end
  • Use VNC or VLAB to run Xmark and sms on your personal computer. These applications run slow using X-windows (Xming etc)

classrun logs

To view the classrun commands used by students

Scripts for students to run

Scripts can be added to the class account bin directory $HOME/bin. To run them