Exams - Exam Locations

Where is my exam?

For most students, the seat allocation is of the form xxx99,
where xxx is the lab and 99 is the computer number.

CSE Labs

Mechanical Engineering Labs

  • If your seat is mea999 or meb999, your seat is in the Mechanical Engineering Labs.

    • mea refers to Ainsworth 203

    • meb refers to Ainsworth 204

  • Both labs are located on Level 2, Ainsworth Building (J17).

  • For example: meb65.
    This would indicate that your exam is in Ainsworth 204,
    and that you should sit at computer 65.

Mathematics and Statistics Labs

  • If your seat is msa99, msb99, msc99, msd99, msm99, your seat is in the Mathematics and Statistics Labs.

    • msa refers to Anita B. Lawrence Centre G12A (Ground Level)

    • msb refers to Anita B. Lawrence Centre G12B (Ground Level)

    • msc refers to Anita B. Lawrence Centre G12C (Ground Level)

    • msd refers to Anita B. Lawrence Centre G13D (Ground Level)

    • msm refers to Anita B. Lawrence Centre M020 (Mezzamine Level)

  • The labs are located on Ground Level and Mezzamine Level, Anita B. Lawrence Centre (H13).

  • For example: msa16.
    This would indicate that your exam is in Anita B. Lawrence Centre G12A,
    and that you should sit at computer 16.

Please email cse.exams@cse.unsw.edu.au if you have further queries.