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Virtual Exam Documentation

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Logging into <class_account>vx account e.g. cs1234vx starts the exam.

The exam files are under <class_account>exam account e.g. follow (symbolic link) currentexam.

You have ssh access to both these accounts if you have ssh access to the <class account>.


~give/stable/bin/prac-install-vx [<fr_prac>] <to_prac>

  1. ssh into <class_account>exam

  2. Run script

    1. creates a new exam to_prac by copying an old exam fr_prac

    2. creates a template exam if omit fr_prac

  3. Customise, edit files under currentexam/class and currentexam/etc

~give/stable/bin/prac-rsync-vx <fr_exam_acct> <fr_path> [<to_path>]

  1. Start ssh agent - eval $(ssh-agent)
    Add ssh passphrase - ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

  2. ssh -A into <class_account>exam, -A option to forward ssh agent

  3. Run script

    1. copy exam from main exam account (e.g. cs1511exam) to series of exam accounts (cs1511exam{1,2,3,4})

    2. copy exam from one class to another, need to have ssh access to both class accounts.


Code Block
ssh -A cs9024exam@localhost ~give/stable/bin/prac-rsync-vx \
       cs2521exam \
       "exams/24T1final" \

priv passwd

  • Change the <class_account>vx password before and after the exam with this script

  • Run priv passwd from the <class_account>

priv chown <wildcard>

Change ownership of work directories from 90<uid> to exam account at the end of the exam to access the students' files


after changing ownership, students can't start the exam

Code Block
marimba % ls -la exams/19T1midterm/work
total 16
drwxrwxrwt  4 en1811exam en1811exam 4096 Mar 14 21:19 .
drwxr-x---  6 en1811exam en1811exam 4096 Mar 12 17:50 ..
drwxrws--- 14     929389 en1811exam 4096 Mar 14 21:36 z5016573
drwxrws--- 13     906444 en1811exam 4096 Mar 12 20:02 z8470184
